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With thanks to 


Our sponsors are the driving force behind keeping the Bitcoin car on track. Their invaluable support enables us to convey the Bitcoin message to millions of racing fans. Without their dedication, this widespread outreach would be impossible. Their unrivalled commitment to advancing Bitcoin adoption and education demonstrates their dedication to supporting the bitcoin ecosystem. 


Archax is the first ever digital securities exchange regulated by the FCA in London. Targeted at institutions, Archax also has its FCA brokerage, custody and cryptoasset permissions.

Nexus Point builds market-leading software for the automotive sector. They create platforms and products for the UK's most ambitious automotive dealerships, bringing together design, engineering and behavioural science to help make brands more efficient, effective and creative.

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Bitcoin Beach is creating a sustainable Bitcoin Economic ecosystem on the coast of El Salvador, where the majority of people do not have access to bank accounts and the local businesses could never qualify for merchant accounts needed to accept credit cards.

Green Mining Dao empowers investors to become co-owners of bitcoin mining facilities and enjoy quarterly bitcoin payouts directly to their wallets. Start mining bitcoin at cost today! 

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